Tips on how to maintain healthy hair – The Holy Grail

Hello my lovelies! I’m really enjoying writing these blogs for you guys! I hope that you guys can refer back to these posts whenever you’re looking for inspiration or direction for your hair! I’ve gotten a lot of feedback from you all just asking for regular hair maintenance tips, so I’ve decided to give you a few tips that are recommended for all hair types, and that you need to live by if you want healthy hair!

Regular Trims

If you want healthy hair, you need to get a trim every 3 months. This is also important if you are looking to grow your hair! I know it sounds silly, that I am telling you to cut your hair even though you want it to be long…but here is why. The ends of your hair are already dead! No matter how many treatments you do, the hair that grows out of your scalp, is no longer alive. We have treatments and styling creams to help the hair stay moisturized, but once you ends start to split, they will also start to break. With that being said, the average person’s hair grows about a half inch every month. If your ends are split and broken, you will likely lose that half inch due to breakage before you ever reap any of the benefits of how fast your hair is going. So to those of you that always tell me that your hair stops growing at a certain length, not true. If your hair wasn’t growing, why else would you need to see me for a root touch up every 5-8 weeks? The problem is it is breaking at the ends. So, let’s do the math, if your hair grows 1.5 inches in 3 months, then you should be able to afford cutting off a half inch or more every 3 months, if you don’t, you may lose 2 inches of length every 3 months!!! None of us can afford to lose that!

Heat Protection

I know that most of us blow dry, straighten, wand, and diffuse on weekly, or even daily basis. Most styling tools deliver up to 470 degrees fahrenheit to your hair. Most dishes aren’t even baked in an oven at that temperature! If you’re not careful, your hair will burn, split, and eventually break. Using a heat protectant spray, such as PowerDry Me by Design.Me Hair, or Olaplex no.7 Bonding oil, can help to shield your hair from heat damage! You will still get all the benefits of using your heat styling tools, but with less than half of the damage!


There are 2 different types of treatments that I recommend for all hair types. They should be done on separate days, but both serve a different purpose. Olaplex no.3 at home treatment is important for maintaining the bonds of your hair. It repairs breaking or broken bonds and prevents future broken bonds. This treatment should be done before you shampoo and condition your hair weekly, especially for blondes or those with dry, brittle, or over processed hair. The 2nd type of treatment we all need, is a moisture treatment, I recommend washing hair with a clarifying shampoo first. This will strip away all of the buildup from products, and the toxins coating your hair to allow the moisture treatment to penetrate the cuticle of the hair. I recommend doing a moisture treatment at least once a week, but if you don’t wash your hair often, every 2 weeks is also fine!

I hope this help you all to understand more about the basic needs of your hair! Let me know if you have any questions and feel free to give me some ideas about what else you would like to see in my blogs!
